Friday, June 28, 2013

I Want More

Hinds Feet on High Places
Happy Friday! I can't believe that already 
another week has passed. From a busy week into a busy weekend I go. Such is life in this season. So, I just started reading this book:

It has already been so good. It is an allegory written about a young lady who lives on her own, a young lady named Much-Afraid who struggles with fear. It is about her quest to truly be a follower of the Good Shepherd, and reach the High Places where He is. The allegory, Much-afraid is us, and the Good Shepherd is Jesus. So far sooo good. I can't wait to dig in more later- when the kids are sleeping. 

Had a trip to the good ol' Costco today, and am so glad we are home, away from the crowds and the $$food$$. 

This blog post has me thinking and digging, and praying today. I hope it will do the same for you. It is just so easy in our culture to bury our heads in the sand, and pretend it isn't real, and go on with our lives as usual. Lately, I have been convicted on so many different levels about this, and am hoping that God will really work in my husband's heart, and my heart, and in our budget to really help make a difference. Currently, we sponsor one child through
Asante Children Choir - Slide 3
Through this program, $35/month gives one child tuition for school, medical care, and clothing, and food. It is amazing what these kids have been through, and the hope they are finding through this program. 

Also, there is Kids for the Kingdom (<--- click here)

a fabulous program that helps train and equip the local people groups to be able to minister to their own people. Something I love about this program is that they do their best to reach beyond just one people group, and have ministry happening in many different countries around the world. One of their main practical ministries is to provide villages with clean water wells. Amazing.

There are so many ways to help, if we could just find it within ourselves to sacrifice something so that someone else can receive the help they need.

O.K. Off my soap box. I just look at my children, and can't imagine them starving and walking aimlessly alone in the blazing sun trying to find their own food and water and protection. So my heart is stirred to help this cause. 

So the Post is titled "I Want More" because I want so much more of the God I love; that I would lose my life to find it in Him. That I would deny myself, that I could pick up the cross and follow Him each and every single day of my life. Sacrificing my fleshly desires to want more of what He wants. 

"The Lord helps the fallen, 
and lifts those bent beneath their loads."
-Psalm 145:14

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